
This one is AAAALL over the place. From mental illness to who knows what.

09/11/2014 23:57

So we all know that mental illness is in this day and age more open for talking about. Well let’s be honest if you have an illness that gives you no choice about whether to work or not, and people asks you why you don’t work and you answer is that you have a mental illness. They aaall give you that look but they would never give that look to a cancer or some other disease or if your physical condition is so you can’t work. I know all of these things are serious and I know that no one would even say some snippy comment about them working. And that is good because seriously if you start bothering people about doing something they can’t do because of something they can’t control it would make you a real peace of crap. But the thing about mental illness is that no one really understands it, because it is in their heads. I’ve actually heard some say, well if you can’t work because of something that is going on in your head why not just stop thinking about this thing and just work?
Well try to not think the word think..
The thing is, most people with mental illness try to fix the problems they have, but it takes time. The thing they need to fix is their whole way of thinking. They have to all the time correct what they them self are thinking. It takes a lot of time and it can give a blinding headache.
The people that have hallucinations without the drug needs to figure out what is real and not and that is not always easy, since some part of the brain do believe that it is there.
Nearly no one takes the mental illnesses seriously.

I admire the people with mental problems that can be open about it and go to work, I also admire those that has somewhat overcome their problems and go out in the world.

A big problem is that most people think that mental illness is something you go to a therapist and talk to that person and after a while you will get rid of the illness. No for some people things aren’t that easy. Some people never get well and rid of the illness they will have it for the rest of their lives and have to cope with always trying to be well in the head.

I don’t think that people know enough about anything really. Things are as they are. You get born, go to kindergarten, go to preschool, go to school, go to high school, go to college, get a job, have a family, make your kids do all that and then die. I know that school is important, I know that. I know working is important but I think the humans have forgotten how to really live, how to have respect, how to be nice and accepting. Because now a day people really don’t care about much at all except money, job and themselves. People wake up do their morning rituals and then off to work to make money so they can buy things they don’t really need. Oh, yes I need to tell you that I am and will always be a hypocrite. An example is a couple working every day to make money to buy a house. Good! The same couple work to pay the bills, food, kitchen stuff, a bed, a shower and all those practical things a house needs. Good. After more working they now go out and buy huh, my head froze. I think I just realized that I’m one of those people that buy crap I don’t really need.
Blah, well. Maybe I find something else to rant about tomorrow or when I remember I have made a blog.


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