
Expecting the crush of the soul. and maybe some other random shit.

10/11/2014 16:21

Some people think that a person should have their life figured out by the time they are in their twenties. Some expect women to have found a man to settle down with in their early twenties so they can get their first child fairly early. I don’t think anybody expect much other of men than that they have a job. Men aren’t expected to settle down until their thirties if at all. A single man in his thirties people don’t think much about it, but if you meet a woman in her thirties that has never been married, had a child and is straight you start to wonder about what is wrong with her. And what is the thing grownups do whit the whole telling teenagers they need to find out for the rest of their life. Seriously, teens should not have that pressure on them. How can one expect a sixteen year old to know what they want to be doing for the rest of their life? They nearly don’t know what they are even going to wear when they need to exit the house. The world has so much to offer but one human rarely get to see even one present of it in their life time since we have school from the moment we can walk and when school is over we have a job we have to go to almost every day until the day we die. The life expectancy of the average person may have increased over the years, but what are we doing with those extra years?
I know that it is necessary to work so you have money to live, but should there be at least some amount of time in our lives where we can just really live and experience what the rest of the earth provides us?
All my complaining of having to go to school and work all our lives are more based on the way of thinking that not all have a work place they love and enjoy. If I could have a job that I did not mind waking up at shit it’s early, work that I love then that would really be living. But the work where as you wake up and just don’t even see the point of opening your eyes in the morning and you don’t want to go to sleep in the night because that means you have to go to work sooner than you want. That is just soul crushing and inhumane.

I may not be old but this comment may make me seem old, but damned, what has the world become? A person being nice is so rare that now when someone is nice, people get suspicious. Then thoughts pop into their head, why is she nice? What does he want? What lies behind this nice facade?
We get so suspicious that we don’t trust anyone anymore. But is that so strange though? Look at the news once in a while, its violence, death, robbery and everything bad always, even if they put in some stories about something good it’s usually just a small piece compared to the things we can fear. Oh, a really old-timer comment. Technologies now a day have gone too far. I’m almost sitting here hoping for an EMP to go off over the whole world. I may think this having a computer and phone and TV is great, but if you think about it. No, it is not. All I do is using these things, I don’t need them but it’s not like I have the willpower to get rid of them. Everything is electronic now. A person no longer sits in a comfy chair with a big photo album on the lap to go down memory lane. Everything is now on the internet and I feel like nothing is personal anymore. But there is not much one person can do when the person don’t know how to build a big enough EMP dispersal device.

I wonder what will happen when the world go to hell. Like humanity’s doomsday. There has been a lot of talk about the end of the world but have you actually thought about it? There are so many things that can destroy the world, many we humans made. 


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