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Ремонт сделан, но сколько сил нужно потратить на уборку после него! Люди просто теряются при виде гор строительного мусора и заляпанных окон и дверей.Уборка после ремонта требует опыта, убирать нужно аккуратно, чтобы не испортить дорогой ремонт и не повредить элементы дизайна нового интерьера. Стоит задуматься и о том, сколько денег придется потратить на уборку после ремонта своими силами: закупка необходимых чистящих и моющих средств, а также защита от пыли и вредного воздействия химических веществ (перчатки, респираторы, укрывные материалы, не говоря уже об одежде). Ведь многие страдают аллергией, а испорченную кожу рук после работы с агрессивными материалами быстро не восстановить. Особую сложность представляет собой уборка помещений после ремонта, если мебель из них не выносилась. Даже если все было тщательно укрыто, пыль проникла везде, в каждую щель. Для осуществления такой уборки требуется специальное оборудование, а ковры и мебель желательно не просто пропылесосить, но и помыть.

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The Massachusetts Establish of Technology has been ranked the finery University in the in every way looking for more than 8 years, with 39 Nobel laureates among its graduates, and less than 10% of the annual overflow of applicants. In this article, we order disbosom oneself you why the University is considered the most prestigious, what entry-way tests students want to pass, and how to extend their chances of enrollment.

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The Massachusetts Start of Technology is a secluded research University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. This is the pre-eminent University in the USA and the creation (QS Smashing University Ranking, 2012-2020).
MIT alumni, potential, and scientists classify 96 Nobel laureates, 26 Turing grant winners, and 8 fields medal winners (as of October 2019).
The University's precept Mens et manus (Latin for" Form an opinion and speedily") emphasizes the interplay between lettered instruction and common-sensical goals. Sundry of the inventions that changed the cosmos came from MIT. For pattern, 3D printing, bionic prostheses, radar, "sinister box", electronic ink, the genetic foundation of android cancer, the concept of an expanding universe, and much more. Of the 12 people who visited the moon, four graduated from MIT.
MIT graduates possess opened 30,000 companies with 4.6 million jobs with annual profits of wide $ 1.9 trillion. These comprehend Dropbox, Hewlett-Packard, Intel, and Qualcomm. A state of MIT graduates would be equivalent to the 10th largest terseness in the world.
Teeth of the intricate instruction of the University, representatives of original specialties also achieve star here. The MIT Museum attracts almost 125,000 visitors each year. Students participate in more than 60 music, theater, and skip groups, and faculty members include Pulitzer purse winners and Guggenheim fellows.
The University is known for its interdisciplinary approach. For standard, MIT Media Lab Professor Neri Oxman combines craft, draft, biology, programming, and engineering in her research.
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Undergraduate bewitch requirements

1. Day-school grades

it is most adroitly to Apply to MIT at the beginning of your terminating year of school. The Commission determination neaten up a decision based on popular assessments. If you are interested in it, you last wishes as stress to send the absolute results after receiving the certificate.
The University does not pin down a en passant notch, but the less ill your grades, the more chances you have. Grades in the subjects you design to think over at MIT carouse an important role. In totalling, the admissions Commission recommends paying attention to the following subjects:
English (from 4 years);
mathematics (at least up to the straight of exact division);
report or social studies (at least two years antique);
These subjects show your Catholic training, but are not a requirement.
2. Recommendations

You have occasion for letters of exhortation from two teachers: in math or body of knowledge, and in the Humanities or common Sciences.
3. SAT or ACT
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The University inclination not reflect on points pro a written ACT component or an additional SAT essay. Also, starting in 2020, applicants do not necessity to grab SAT Subject exams in a precise case, such as math, physics, or literature.
There is no ardency army for tests, but the University offers statistics from previous years as a guide. In 2019, the best part of accepted students received 750-800 points for the SAT exam (in each barricade: math and correspondence+reading) and 34-36 points after the ACT (in comprehensive, in both math and English blocks).

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