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16/12/2015 20:04
The amazing thing I just realized right now is that in the country i live in now have actually only one school shooting in many years, I know that there is a lot of bullying in the schools so the fact that only one kid took his shotgun to school and tried to shoot someone, wow I just find it...

Wow, wicked

14/12/2015 18:17
just realized i want to get married, too bad i have no one to marry or anything to even resemble something to even come near it even in the long distant future

Radical honesty

01/09/2015 20:25
I’m thinking of doing that. If someone ask a question that one usually are not honest about I have to be completely honest no matter who ask except if my mother ask


31/08/2015 19:56
I can't find a good answer for a simple question. Why keep going? I'm starting to get real tired of looking for a reason or answer. It's not that I really want to die or hurt myself to the point of no return I'm just tired, empty and I don't know how much more I can take. Living because of one...


21/08/2015 22:53
For some days now I’ve been pondering how the world would be if people actually said what was on their mind even if that thing could hurt another person. But I realized that this will not happen, the urge to not say anything that could make a person sad or hurt is so ingrained in our brains. From...


12/08/2015 00:10
I want a speaker tell my story when I'm dead. 


11/08/2015 16:45
I dont want anymore.  too much. Dont trust

the world

27/12/2014 16:40
Haven't the world realized that this body is not ment to do any other exercises other than sex and walking from bed to kitchen?


20/11/2014 18:33
So this whole thing people say like " if you can just accept all the help offered to you so you can get better" is really starting to annoy me. Better for me or better for them? And what does getting better even mean? I can not believe that I am that damaged that I need to be on medication and go...


19/11/2014 03:00
So I can't sleep. I know I bitch alot about, well, everything actually but I do really have a good life. I have friends and family that haven't even tried to kill, beat or do anything wrong to me and I have food and shelter and everything I need. I have it better than a lot of people and I have...

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